The Calstock "Path" Ways site

Paths - This lists all the PROWs associated with Calstock Parish. They have been organised to form the most useful way for walking and monitoring. The Map and Reports for each path can also be viewed

Monitor Reports - A reverse dated list of the completed reports for the Path status. Each report can also be viewed in detail.

Interactive Map - This is the Cornwall Interactive Map zoomed in to Calstock Parish

Cornwall Council

Cornwall Council, as "surveying authority" keep a Definitive Map and Statement of public rights of way. A legal record of Cornwall public rights of way showing a 'relevant date' the public had the rights shown on the map.

Cornwall has 4,500 km of public rights of way. It also has the longest section of the South West Coast Path National Trail.

Calstock Parish

Calstock Parish stretches from Gunnislake in the east to the bounds of Kit Hill. Many of the paths are rich in industrial heritage, provide magnificent views of countryside and the Tamar with links to woodland and quiet lanes and roads.

There are 40 Public Rights of Way identified by standards set by Cornwall Council who classify county paths as Gold, Silver and Bronze.

It is significant that all parish paths are Gold with only one classified as Silver.

Many of the paths are rich in industrial heritage, provide magnificent views of countryside and the Tamar with links to woodland and quiet lanes and roads.

Public Footpath

The public have a right of way on foot only. Prams, pushchairs, wheelchairs and invalid carriages are allowed along public footpaths. However not all paths may be suitable particularly in the countryside.

We have 2,216 miles (3,567 km) of public footpath across Cornwall.

Public Bridleway

The public have a right of way on foot, horseback or bicycle.

We have 415 miles (668 km) of public bridleway across Cornwall.

Restricted Byway

The public have a right of way on foot, horseback, bicycle or horse-drawn carriage.

We have 1.7 miles (2.7 km) of restricted byway across Cornwall.

Public Byway

The public have a right of way on foot, horseback, bicycle or vehicle. This includes horse-drawn carriage, motorcycle or other motor vehicle.

We have 127 miles (204 km) of public byway across Cornwall.

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